GJS Virtual, introduced by All India Gem & Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC), is a virtual networking platform for the Gems and Jewellery industry that is made in such a way to accommodate every player of this jewellery fraternity.
This platform will allow buyers to showcase their exclusive collections through pictures and allow special one-on-one meetings with buyers and sellers through a video call facility. Also, it will allow the buyers to witness the seller’s products with full sharpness and clarity, in a studio-like setup, specially designed for the discerning high expectations of the jewellers. Exhibitors and retailers can connect through the set up by sending a request and discuss possibilities, either over chat or following it up by a professional video call for a better personal connection. The studio set up is such that it comes with multicoloured lighting, as desired for the jewellery, to enable the best showcasing of the seller's products.
A 365 days platform that enables launch of new products and collections, all through the calendar year. It will also comprise of 6 unique exhibitions for 6 days around the year, wherein workshops and webinars on industry issues will be featured throughout the 6 days. Hence GJS virtual is truly defined as the "The Game Changer".
Registration Link:- https://www.gjsvirtual.org/Home/VisitorRegistration